
Feature Changes

  1. Edited notes will now be compared with their old versions to determine what’s new and not yet downloaded
  2. Implemented network caching, utilized tab content and reduced cooldown to improve downloading performance
  3. “Download All Notes” now shows skipping the beginning notes if downloaded already
  4. Disabled “Download Boards”, as it requires a new downloading mechanism that is to be implemented

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed “Download All Notes” button for boards
  2. Fixed tab content utilizer to account for Xiaohongshu website’s changes


Feature Changes

  1. Added support for downloading all favorite/liked notes, all boards, and all notes in a board
  2. Improved note title generation from its description

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the button for removing “Download This Image” record from download history
  2. “Download This Image” now downloads the correct image when user is viewing image no. x>=10
  3. Updated to account for Xiaohongshu website’s changes
  4. Support website will no longer be opened when Chrome updates